Clean Hands for Life: results of a large, multicentre, multifaceted, social marketing hand-hygiene campaign

April 22, 2010

Title: Clean Hands for Life: results of a large, multicentre, multifaceted, social marketing hand-hygiene campaign

Source: Journal of Hospital Infection 74(3) 225-231

Date of publication: March 2010

Publication type: Journal Article

In a nutshell: campaign involved rotation of ten novel posters, two poster contests, and distribution of multiple promotional items. A social marketing approach was used to implement and monitor the effectiveness of the campaign. Evaluation included quality assurance surveys, staff surveys (baseline, mid- and post-campaign), and focus groups. The results showed that social marketing is an effective approach in engaging Health Care Workers (HCWs). Hand-hygiene campaigns that focus almost exclusively on increasing awareness among HCWs may not be as successful as multifaceted campaigns or campaigns that target identified barriers to hand-hygiene.

Length of publication: 6p.

Some important notes: Please contact your local NHS Library for the full text of the article

Acknowledgement: CINAHL